Salzburger Flughafen GmbH

For almost 100 years (1926-today) Salzburg Airport has served the region’s citizens and their visitors. In 1926, the Salzburg Municipal Airfield ...

Meridian BOB BRB

The Meridian runs hourly from Munich to Salzburg. Travel time just under 2 hours.

Deutsche Bahn

The Bayernticket is valid up to Salzburg main station! A Deutsche Bahn counter will inform you about special offers and suitable connections to and from ...

Salzburger Obus

There is a very attractive Park+Ride offer in the city of Salzburg. During rush hours, a total of four P+R lots are available at the city ...


With the ÖBB to and from Salzburg!


The Westbahn runs inexpensively several times a day from Salzburg to Vienna and back!

Our Partners


Mit der all-inclusive Salzburg Card zum grenzenlosen Sightseeing: Einmalige Gratis-Eintritte in alle Sehenswürdigkeiten und Museen, kostenfreie Nutzung der Verkehrsmittel und zahlreiche Ermäßigungen bieten Ihnen viel Salzburg für wenig Geld.

Salzburg.Info Tourismusinformation